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Event Destinations

Create Event Destination

Create a new Event Destination. It will not apply to anything until it is associated with an Event Subscription.


POST /event_destinations

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \
-d '{"description":"kinesis dev stream","format":"json","metadata":"{\"environment\":\"dev\"}","target":{"kinesis":{"auth":{"role":{"role_arn":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example"}},"stream_arn":"arn:ngrok-local:kinesis:us-east-2:123456789012:stream/mystream2"}}}' \


metadatastringArbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this Event Destination. Optional, max 4096 bytes.
descriptionstringHuman-readable description of the Event Destination. Optional, max 255 bytes.
formatstringThe output format you would like to serialize events into when sending to their target. Currently the only accepted value is JSON.
targetEventTargetAn object that encapsulates where and how to send your events. An event destination must contain exactly one of the following objects, leaving the rest null: kinesis, firehose, cloudwatch_logs, or s3.

EventTarget parameters

firehoseEventTargetFirehoseConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
kinesisEventTargetKinesisConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis.
cloudwatch_logsEventTargetCloudwatchLogsConfiguration used to send events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
datadogEventTargetDatadogConfiguration used to send events to Datadog.

EventTargetFirehose parameters

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
delivery_stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Firehose delivery stream to deposit events into.

AWSAuth parameters

roleAWSRoleA role for ngrok to assume on your behalf to deposit events into your AWS account.
credsAWSCredentialsCredentials to your AWS account if you prefer ngrok to sign in with long-term access keys.

AWSRole parameters

role_arnstringAn ARN that specifies the role that ngrok should use to deliver to the configured target.

AWSCredentials parameters

aws_access_key_idstringThe ID portion of an AWS access key.
aws_secret_access_keystringThe secret portion of an AWS access key.

EventTargetKinesis parameters

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Kinesis stream to deposit events into.

EventTargetCloudwatchLogs parameters

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
log_group_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the CloudWatch Logs group to deposit events into.

EventTargetDatadog parameters

api_keystringDatadog API key to use.
ddtagsstringTags to send with the event.
servicestringService name to send with the event.
ddsitestringDatadog site to send event to.

EventTargetAzureLogsIngestion parameters

tenant_idstringTenant ID for the Azure account
client_idstringClient ID for the application client
client_secretstringClient Secret for the application client
logs_ingestion_uristringData collection endpoint logs ingestion URI
data_collection_rule_idstringData collection rule immutable ID
data_collection_stream_namestringData collection stream name to use as destination, located inside the DCR


Returns a 201 response on success

Example Response

"created_at": "2024-10-17T20:26:45Z",
"description": "kinesis dev stream",
"format": "json",
"id": "ed_2na2KzFcMkxftv7Y5ghqMtq5uHR",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\"}",
"target": {
"azure_logs_ingestion": null,
"cloudwatch_logs": null,
"datadog": null,
"firehose": null,
"kinesis": {
"auth": {
"creds": null,
"role": {
"role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example"
"stream_arn": "arn:ngrok-local:kinesis:us-east-2:123456789012:stream/mystream2"
"uri": ""


idstringUnique identifier for this Event Destination.
metadatastringArbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this Event Destination. Optional, max 4096 bytes.
created_atstringTimestamp when the Event Destination was created, RFC 3339 format.
descriptionstringHuman-readable description of the Event Destination. Optional, max 255 bytes.
formatstringThe output format you would like to serialize events into when sending to their target. Currently the only accepted value is JSON.
targetEventTargetAn object that encapsulates where and how to send your events. An event destination must contain exactly one of the following objects, leaving the rest null: kinesis, firehose, cloudwatch_logs, or s3.
uristringURI of the Event Destination API resource.

EventTarget fields

firehoseEventTargetFirehoseConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
kinesisEventTargetKinesisConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis.
cloudwatch_logsEventTargetCloudwatchLogsConfiguration used to send events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
datadogEventTargetDatadogConfiguration used to send events to Datadog.

EventTargetFirehose fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
delivery_stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Firehose delivery stream to deposit events into.

AWSAuth fields

roleAWSRoleA role for ngrok to assume on your behalf to deposit events into your AWS account.
credsAWSCredentialsCredentials to your AWS account if you prefer ngrok to sign in with long-term access keys.

AWSRole fields

role_arnstringAn ARN that specifies the role that ngrok should use to deliver to the configured target.

AWSCredentials fields

aws_access_key_idstringThe ID portion of an AWS access key.
aws_secret_access_keystringThe secret portion of an AWS access key.

EventTargetKinesis fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Kinesis stream to deposit events into.

EventTargetCloudwatchLogs fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
log_group_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the CloudWatch Logs group to deposit events into.

EventTargetDatadog fields

api_keystringDatadog API key to use.
ddtagsstringTags to send with the event.
servicestringService name to send with the event.
ddsitestringDatadog site to send event to.

EventTargetAzureLogsIngestion fields

tenant_idstringTenant ID for the Azure account
client_idstringClient ID for the application client
client_secretstringClient Secret for the application client
logs_ingestion_uristringData collection endpoint logs ingestion URI
data_collection_rule_idstringData collection rule immutable ID
data_collection_stream_namestringData collection stream name to use as destination, located inside the DCR

Delete Event Destination

Delete an Event Destination. If the Event Destination is still referenced by an Event Subscription.


DELETE /event_destinations/{id}

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \


Returns a 204 response with no body on success

Get Event Destination

Get detailed information about an Event Destination by ID.


GET /event_destinations/{id}

Example Request

curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \


Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response

"created_at": "2024-10-17T20:26:45Z",
"description": "kinesis dev stream 1 of 3",
"format": "json",
"id": "ed_2na2KzFcMkxftv7Y5ghqMtq5uHR",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\", \"stream\":1}",
"target": {
"azure_logs_ingestion": null,
"cloudwatch_logs": null,
"datadog": null,
"firehose": null,
"kinesis": {
"auth": {
"creds": null,
"role": {
"role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example"
"stream_arn": "arn:ngrok-local:kinesis:us-east-2:123456789012:stream/mystream2"
"uri": ""


idstringUnique identifier for this Event Destination.
metadatastringArbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this Event Destination. Optional, max 4096 bytes.
created_atstringTimestamp when the Event Destination was created, RFC 3339 format.
descriptionstringHuman-readable description of the Event Destination. Optional, max 255 bytes.
formatstringThe output format you would like to serialize events into when sending to their target. Currently the only accepted value is JSON.
targetEventTargetAn object that encapsulates where and how to send your events. An event destination must contain exactly one of the following objects, leaving the rest null: kinesis, firehose, cloudwatch_logs, or s3.
uristringURI of the Event Destination API resource.

EventTarget fields

firehoseEventTargetFirehoseConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
kinesisEventTargetKinesisConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis.
cloudwatch_logsEventTargetCloudwatchLogsConfiguration used to send events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
datadogEventTargetDatadogConfiguration used to send events to Datadog.

EventTargetFirehose fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
delivery_stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Firehose delivery stream to deposit events into.

AWSAuth fields

roleAWSRoleA role for ngrok to assume on your behalf to deposit events into your AWS account.
credsAWSCredentialsCredentials to your AWS account if you prefer ngrok to sign in with long-term access keys.

AWSRole fields

role_arnstringAn ARN that specifies the role that ngrok should use to deliver to the configured target.

AWSCredentials fields

aws_access_key_idstringThe ID portion of an AWS access key.
aws_secret_access_keystringThe secret portion of an AWS access key.

EventTargetKinesis fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Kinesis stream to deposit events into.

EventTargetCloudwatchLogs fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
log_group_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the CloudWatch Logs group to deposit events into.

EventTargetDatadog fields

api_keystringDatadog API key to use.
ddtagsstringTags to send with the event.
servicestringService name to send with the event.
ddsitestringDatadog site to send event to.

EventTargetAzureLogsIngestion fields

tenant_idstringTenant ID for the Azure account
client_idstringClient ID for the application client
client_secretstringClient Secret for the application client
logs_ingestion_uristringData collection endpoint logs ingestion URI
data_collection_rule_idstringData collection rule immutable ID
data_collection_stream_namestringData collection stream name to use as destination, located inside the DCR

List Event Destinations

List all Event Destinations on this account.


GET /event_destinations

Example Request

curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \


Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response

"event_destinations": [
"created_at": "2024-10-17T20:26:45Z",
"description": "kinesis dev stream",
"format": "json",
"id": "ed_2na2KzFcMkxftv7Y5ghqMtq5uHR",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\"}",
"target": {
"azure_logs_ingestion": null,
"cloudwatch_logs": null,
"datadog": null,
"firehose": null,
"kinesis": {
"auth": {
"creds": null,
"role": {
"role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example"
"stream_arn": "arn:ngrok-local:kinesis:us-east-2:123456789012:stream/mystream2"
"uri": ""
"next_page_uri": null,
"uri": ""


event_destinationsEventDestinationThe list of all Event Destinations on this account.
uristringURI of the Event Destinations list API resource.
next_page_uristringURI of the next page, or null if there is no next page.

EventDestination fields

idstringUnique identifier for this Event Destination.
metadatastringArbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this Event Destination. Optional, max 4096 bytes.
created_atstringTimestamp when the Event Destination was created, RFC 3339 format.
descriptionstringHuman-readable description of the Event Destination. Optional, max 255 bytes.
formatstringThe output format you would like to serialize events into when sending to their target. Currently the only accepted value is JSON.
targetEventTargetAn object that encapsulates where and how to send your events. An event destination must contain exactly one of the following objects, leaving the rest null: kinesis, firehose, cloudwatch_logs, or s3.
uristringURI of the Event Destination API resource.

EventTarget fields

firehoseEventTargetFirehoseConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
kinesisEventTargetKinesisConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis.
cloudwatch_logsEventTargetCloudwatchLogsConfiguration used to send events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
datadogEventTargetDatadogConfiguration used to send events to Datadog.

EventTargetFirehose fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
delivery_stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Firehose delivery stream to deposit events into.

AWSAuth fields

roleAWSRoleA role for ngrok to assume on your behalf to deposit events into your AWS account.
credsAWSCredentialsCredentials to your AWS account if you prefer ngrok to sign in with long-term access keys.

AWSRole fields

role_arnstringAn ARN that specifies the role that ngrok should use to deliver to the configured target.

AWSCredentials fields

aws_access_key_idstringThe ID portion of an AWS access key.
aws_secret_access_keystringThe secret portion of an AWS access key.

EventTargetKinesis fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Kinesis stream to deposit events into.

EventTargetCloudwatchLogs fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
log_group_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the CloudWatch Logs group to deposit events into.

EventTargetDatadog fields

api_keystringDatadog API key to use.
ddtagsstringTags to send with the event.
servicestringService name to send with the event.
ddsitestringDatadog site to send event to.

EventTargetAzureLogsIngestion fields

tenant_idstringTenant ID for the Azure account
client_idstringClient ID for the application client
client_secretstringClient Secret for the application client
logs_ingestion_uristringData collection endpoint logs ingestion URI
data_collection_rule_idstringData collection rule immutable ID
data_collection_stream_namestringData collection stream name to use as destination, located inside the DCR

Update Event Destination

Update attributes of an Event Destination.


PATCH /event_destinations/{id}

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \
-d '{"description":"kinesis dev stream 1 of 3","metadata":"{\"environment\":\"dev\", \"stream\":1}"}' \


idstringUnique identifier for this Event Destination.
metadatastringArbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this Event Destination. Optional, max 4096 bytes.
descriptionstringHuman-readable description of the Event Destination. Optional, max 255 bytes.
formatstringThe output format you would like to serialize events into when sending to their target. Currently the only accepted value is JSON.
targetEventTargetAn object that encapsulates where and how to send your events. An event destination must contain exactly one of the following objects, leaving the rest null: kinesis, firehose, cloudwatch_logs, or s3.

EventTarget parameters

firehoseEventTargetFirehoseConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
kinesisEventTargetKinesisConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis.
cloudwatch_logsEventTargetCloudwatchLogsConfiguration used to send events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
datadogEventTargetDatadogConfiguration used to send events to Datadog.

EventTargetFirehose parameters

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
delivery_stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Firehose delivery stream to deposit events into.

AWSAuth parameters

roleAWSRoleA role for ngrok to assume on your behalf to deposit events into your AWS account.
credsAWSCredentialsCredentials to your AWS account if you prefer ngrok to sign in with long-term access keys.

AWSRole parameters

role_arnstringAn ARN that specifies the role that ngrok should use to deliver to the configured target.

AWSCredentials parameters

aws_access_key_idstringThe ID portion of an AWS access key.
aws_secret_access_keystringThe secret portion of an AWS access key.

EventTargetKinesis parameters

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Kinesis stream to deposit events into.

EventTargetCloudwatchLogs parameters

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
log_group_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the CloudWatch Logs group to deposit events into.

EventTargetDatadog parameters

api_keystringDatadog API key to use.
ddtagsstringTags to send with the event.
servicestringService name to send with the event.
ddsitestringDatadog site to send event to.

EventTargetAzureLogsIngestion parameters

tenant_idstringTenant ID for the Azure account
client_idstringClient ID for the application client
client_secretstringClient Secret for the application client
logs_ingestion_uristringData collection endpoint logs ingestion URI
data_collection_rule_idstringData collection rule immutable ID
data_collection_stream_namestringData collection stream name to use as destination, located inside the DCR


Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response

"created_at": "2024-10-17T20:26:45Z",
"description": "kinesis dev stream 1 of 3",
"format": "json",
"id": "ed_2na2KzFcMkxftv7Y5ghqMtq5uHR",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\", \"stream\":1}",
"target": {
"azure_logs_ingestion": null,
"cloudwatch_logs": null,
"datadog": null,
"firehose": null,
"kinesis": {
"auth": {
"creds": null,
"role": {
"role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example"
"stream_arn": "arn:ngrok-local:kinesis:us-east-2:123456789012:stream/mystream2"
"uri": ""


idstringUnique identifier for this Event Destination.
metadatastringArbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this Event Destination. Optional, max 4096 bytes.
created_atstringTimestamp when the Event Destination was created, RFC 3339 format.
descriptionstringHuman-readable description of the Event Destination. Optional, max 255 bytes.
formatstringThe output format you would like to serialize events into when sending to their target. Currently the only accepted value is JSON.
targetEventTargetAn object that encapsulates where and how to send your events. An event destination must contain exactly one of the following objects, leaving the rest null: kinesis, firehose, cloudwatch_logs, or s3.
uristringURI of the Event Destination API resource.

EventTarget fields

firehoseEventTargetFirehoseConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
kinesisEventTargetKinesisConfiguration used to send events to Amazon Kinesis.
cloudwatch_logsEventTargetCloudwatchLogsConfiguration used to send events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
datadogEventTargetDatadogConfiguration used to send events to Datadog.

EventTargetFirehose fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
delivery_stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Firehose delivery stream to deposit events into.

AWSAuth fields

roleAWSRoleA role for ngrok to assume on your behalf to deposit events into your AWS account.
credsAWSCredentialsCredentials to your AWS account if you prefer ngrok to sign in with long-term access keys.

AWSRole fields

role_arnstringAn ARN that specifies the role that ngrok should use to deliver to the configured target.

AWSCredentials fields

aws_access_key_idstringThe ID portion of an AWS access key.
aws_secret_access_keystringThe secret portion of an AWS access key.

EventTargetKinesis fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
stream_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the Kinesis stream to deposit events into.

EventTargetCloudwatchLogs fields

authAWSAuthConfiguration for how to authenticate into your AWS account. Exactly one of role or creds should be configured.
log_group_arnstringAn Amazon Resource Name specifying the CloudWatch Logs group to deposit events into.

EventTargetDatadog fields

api_keystringDatadog API key to use.
ddtagsstringTags to send with the event.
servicestringService name to send with the event.
ddsitestringDatadog site to send event to.

EventTargetAzureLogsIngestion fields

tenant_idstringTenant ID for the Azure account
client_idstringClient ID for the application client
client_secretstringClient Secret for the application client
logs_ingestion_uristringData collection endpoint logs ingestion URI
data_collection_rule_idstringData collection rule immutable ID
data_collection_stream_namestringData collection stream name to use as destination, located inside the DCR